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  • Etats-Unis : proposition du président de la FCC pour garantir la neutralité du Net

    Le président du régulateur américain des télécoms a annoncé un plan afin de garantir la neutralité du Net pour empêcher l'émergence d'un Internet à deux vitesses.


    Dans une tribune publiée le 4 février 2015 par le magazine "Wired", Tom Wheeler, le président de la Federal Communications Commission (FCC), le régulateur américain des télécoms, a annoncé que des règles contraignantes seront mises en oeuvre afin de garantir un Internet "rapide, juste et libre".

    Le projet de Tom Wheeler propose de garantir la neutralité du Net. La neutralité du Net est un principe assurant un accès identique à Internet pour tous aux services en ligne.
    Le président de la FCC entend résoudre le problème en reclassifiant les fournisseurs d'accès à Internet comme des fournisseurs de services publics régulés par la FCC aux termes d'une législation sur les télécommunications datant de 1934. Il souhaite donc réguler l'accès à Internet comme un service public.

    Afin de garantir qu'Internet reste ouvert à l'innovation et un espace de discussion libre, Tom Wheeler a annoncé que des règles contraignantes et explicites interdiront de faire payer pour acheminer de manière prioritaire des contenus et des services légaux, les bloquer ou les ralentir. Ces règles s'appliqueront également, pour la première fois, aux réseaux à haut débit mobiles. Il s'agit ici en priorité d'interdire aux opérateurs de moduler le trafic Internet.

    Tom Wheeler a écrit que sa proposition "garantit les droits des internautes à aller où ils veulent quand ils veulent et les droits des innovateurs à lancer de nouveau produit sans demander la permission de quiconque".

    Cette proposition sera soumise au vote des commissaires de la FCC à la fin du mois

  • U.S.-Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act Summary

    U.S.-Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act Congressman Peter J. Roskam (R-IL) and Congressman Juan Vargas (D-CA) BILL SUMMARY The U.S.-Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act aims to counter the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, which threatens the economic stability of America’s strongest ally in the Middle East. Over the past several years, a growing contingency of countries across the globe, primarily in Europe, have sought to isolate and delegitimize Israel through BDS for political purposes. This bill leverages ongoing trade negotiations to discourage prospective U.S. trade partners from engaging in economic discrimination against Israel, and establishes a clear U.S. policy of opposing BDS as detrimental to global trade and regional peace and stability.   Combats Efforts to Limit Commercial Relations with Israel through BDS  Instructs the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to utilize free trade negotiations to discourage potential trade partners from participating in or promoting politically motivated acts of BDS against Israel, and to seek the elimination of boycotts and barriers to trade where they exist.  Establishes U.S. policy to oppose politically-motivated actions by states or international institutions that penalize or otherwise limit commercial relations specifically with Israel such as boycotts, divestment, or sanctions.  Monitors BDS-related activities by requiring foreign companies traded on U.S. stock exchanges to disclose whether they have participated in, or have faced pressure to participate in, acts of economic discrimination against Israel.  Strengthens the Mutually Beneficial U.S.-Israel Economic Relationship   Encourages strengthening mutually beneficial U.S.-Israel economic cooperation and recognizes the tremendous strategic economic, and technological value of cooperation, including the benefit of cooperation with Israel to American companies.   Reaffirms the strategic importance of trade and commercial relations to the pursuit of sustainable peace and regional stability.  Prohibits American courts from recognizing or enforcing judgments made by a foreign court against American companies for the sole reason that such companies are conducting business in Israel, and requires the Administration to provide Congress with regular reports on any such judgments and steps being taken by the U.S. government to discourage them

  • U.S.-Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act

    U.S.-Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act

    Bipartisan Legislation Counters BDS, Strengthens U.S.-Israel Economic Relationship

    WASHINGTON, DC—Today, Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL) and Congressman Juan Vargas (D-CA) released the following statements after introducing H.R. 825, the U.S.-Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act. This bipartisan bill would counter the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel and strengthen the U.S.-Israel economic relationship. Over the past several years, a growing contingency of countries across the globe have sought to isolate and delegitimize Israel through BDS. This bill leverages ongoing trade negotiations to discourage prospective U.S. trade partners from engaging in economic discrimination against Israel. It also establishes a clear U.S. policy in opposition to state-led BDS, which is detrimental to global trade, regional peace and stability.

    “The historic alliance between the United States and Israel is rooted in shared moral standards, mutual strategic interests, and a commitment to confronting common enemies wherever they may surface,” saidCongressman Roskam. “Today, an alarming number of countries within the European Union and beyond have embraced BDS as a form of economic warfare aimed to cripple Israel’s economy and demonize its very existence. These attacks not only threaten Israel, but commercial relations across the globe. The U.S-Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act will ensure that American free trade partners never engage in this harmful and illegitimate political protest against Israel, while also protecting U.S. companies from foreign lawsuits targeting their associations with Israel. I am proud to introduce this bipartisan legislation with Congressman Vargas. Although we hail from different political parties, we share a common belief that a strong and prosperous Israel is a necessity for the United States. Congress has always been the bedrock of the U.S.-Israel relationship, and we have an historic opportunity before us to once again reaffirm the mutually beneficial ties that bind our great nations."

    “BDS is a harmful political tactic which seeks to undermine and diminish Israel’s economic strength,” said Congressman Vargas. “We need to reassure our commitment to our ally in the region by clearly defining U.S. policy to oppose this practice and dissuade other nations from adopting BDS policies toward Israel.”